17th April to 25th June 2021
Run for the Birds
A FUN personal challenge event for runners and walkers TO KEEP YOU ACTIVE and CELEBRATE THE PEAK DiSTRICT's 70th birthday.
a positive IMPACT on THE UK's original national park: the more DISTANCE YOU cover the more land can be 'Re-Wilded' to enable endangered bird species to survive, breed and thrive.
How it works
There are 4 distance levels to choose from: 70km, 210km, 350km or 700km.
Each level has a distance target for you to aim for during the 70 days of the event. Plus there are 7 virtual events based on Peak District features that you can take part in as you accumulate your mileage.
You can cover as few or as many miles/kilometres as you like each day. But if you cover the equivalent distance to any of the events in single outings, you can enter that run/walk into the virtual challenge. This is as well as the distances counting towards your overall total.
You can enter as many virtual challenges as you like as many times as you like until you reach your challenge target.
If you achieve your target amount over the 70 days you'll receive a specially made memento crafted locally from sustainable wood. Plus you can compete for other prizes in various categories, including - but not limited to - the best performances in the virtual events.
The majority of your entry fee will go to the Peak District National Park Foundation charity, and will be used on work to diversify and restructure woodland within the park to improve habitats and feeding opportunities for birds. As well as helping rare and endangered bird species survive, breed and thrive, this important work is part of a strategy to ensure our original national park is protected and enjoyed by visitors for many generations to come. The more distance that is covered during the event, the more birds can thrive.